coffee school

Coffee School 3 Day Immersive Class of September 29th

Regular price $2,699.00 $2,399.00 Sale

Please read the Refund and Rescheduling Policy carefully before registering. There are no exceptions. 

  1. Refund: Partial refunds will be made if two criteria are made: 1. At least 30 days written notice prior to class. 2. Another student can attend in your slot. If both requisites are met, then 50% of your deposit will be returned. If either of those requisites are not met, then the deposit will not be returned. 
  2. Rescheduling: Rescheduling requires 30 days written notice prior to the start of class. If less than 30 days, then the deposit will not be returned. Each rescheduled registration is subject to 15% of the registration price per person. You may only reschedule one time. 
  3. Substitutions: You may allow someone to attend in your place if you notify Green Joe Coffee School at least 10 days in advance. 
  4. No Shows: If you are registered and have made a deposit and you or any substitution does not attend the class, registration is forfeit and no refund is provided.

Coffee School Curriculum: 

Homework Prior To Class

  • Opening a Business: Worksheet Assignment
    • State vs Federal
  • Permits: Worksheet Assignment
    • Health, Fire, commissary 
  • Taxes 101: Worksheet (tax deductions, filing forms)
    • Bookkeeping
    • Paying yourself
  • Calculations: Spreadsheet that student turns in 
    • Cost of Goods
    • Monthly Expenses
    • Start Up Cost
    • Personal Bills
  • Marketing: Research project with prompts 
    • Potential Clients
    • Events
    • Social Media
    • Sample Contracts
  • Locations and Routes: Worksheet 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


  • Trailer Hook Up
  • Backing in

Uhaul trailer with cones 

Learning stations 

  • 5 points of hook up
  • Using mirrors
  • Cone test
    • Trailer Hook Up
    • Backing in
    • Trailer Hook Up
    • Backing in


    Setting up:

      • Generator
      • Filling Gas
      • Changing Oil
      • Choke
      • Hi/Low Altitude
      • Outlets
        • Opening Procedures

        Setting up

          • Generator
          • Opening Procedures
          • Using Checklist

          Setting Up

          • Generator
          • Opening Procedures


          Dialing In Espresso

          • Espresso vs Grinder
          • Espresso Tools and Tricks
          • Americanos
          • Workspace

          Test out:  Draw a 2oz shot in 30 secs from a poor grind setting

          Syrup Lattes

          • Modern Syrup Drinks
          • Chai Tea Lattes
            • 3 Ways

          Set Cold Brew Lattes (8 am)

           Dominant vs subtle flavors 

          Flavor Profiling

          Catering Large Batch 

          Video on price quotes

          Equipment needed

          • Hot Chocolate
          • Coffee
          • Iced Latte
          • Chai Tea

          Iced Lattes

          • Espresso
          • Cold Brew

          Sneak peek event 

          12 Lunch (Provided)

          Lecture: Troubleshooting Equipment Issues- 

        • Start with the source
        • Rule outs
        • Change the angle change the tool
        • keystone equipment
        • Plan for the unexpected
        • Lecture: Crafting a Menu

        • Target demographic
        • Competitive pricing
        • Value ladder
        • Formatting 
        • Lecture: Workflow

          • Show stoppers/bottle necks
          • Steaming milk
          • Customer interaction
          • The art of small talk
          • Questions to ask for drink suggestions 


          Steaming Milk: 

          • Lattes
          • Cappuccinos
          • Flat Whites
          • Macchiatos

          Test Out: Frothing technique and ratios 

          Set Cold Brew (1pm) cold brew process 

          Coffee Brewing

          • Pourover
          • French Press
          • Coffee Machine

          Test outs: 

          Brew in 5 minutes, measure coffee to water, pre wet filter. 

          Drink Marathon

          • Dialing in
          • Extra Work
          • Workflow

          Drink races and competitions 


          Shut Down

          • Espresso Machine Maintenance
          • Shut down procedures
            • Portfilter
            • Esp Mach
            • Wands
            • Grinder

          Proper cleaning procedures

          Set up for day two

          Cash count


          Shut Down

          • Espresso Machine Maintenance
          • Shut down procedures
            • Portfilter
            • Esp Mach
            • Wands
            • Grinder

          Shut Down

          • Espresso Machine Maintenance
          • Shut down procedures
            • Portfilter
            • Esp Mach
            • Wands
            • Grinder